Manufacturing: Predictive Maintenance Workflow

PredictModel offers an advanced predictive maintenance solution tailored for the manufacturing industry. Utilizing AWS services, this workflow helps companies anticipate equipment failures, significantly reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

AWS IoT Core
Amazon Kinesis
AWS Glue
Amazon SageMaker
AWS Lambda

Workflow Step Explanation

  1. Data Ingestion: AWS IoT Core collects real-time data from sensors attached to manufacturing equipment.
  2. Data Streaming: Amazon Kinesis streams the incoming data for immediate processing, ensuring that the data pipeline remains steady and responsive.
  3. Data Processing: AWS Glue performs ETL operations to clean, transform, and prepare the data for analysis.
  4. Machine Learning: Amazon SageMaker builds, trains, and deploys models to predict potential equipment failures based on the processed data.
  5. Automation: AWS Lambda automates maintenance alerts and triggers necessary actions to address potential issues before failures occur.